
Clara K. Johnson ~ Artist, Abstract Expressionist

I have had so many moments of pure fun, enrichment and sisterhood being with the Wild Wacky Wonderful Women of the World for the past 9 years. A few have become LIKE sisters to me who demonstrate unselfish support, advise and references in order to assist my journey as an artist!

Every woman brings her true self to the group where all are celebrated and uplifted.
Love you Deb! 1 in 1,000,000

Mardi Hack ~ Career Management Consultant

My impressions of the Wild Wackies has expanded just about as much as the group itself.  I was first introduced to the  concept when it was just a “concept”, back in the early 2000’s.  Deb Meehan, the Group’s Founder, was my client,  and I was her Career Coach,  as she transitioned from her big job at Bayer to wherever she would eventually land.  She told me her idea of having a group of women gather periodically to network and have fun.  There would be no rules, no structure, they would just gather once or twice a month and have FUN!!!

I thought, now that sounds really WACKY!  It will not last!!!  But she was determined, and I loved her….and just look at us now.  We are well over a thousand women strong.

I joined the group in 2005.  I was less Wacky than some, definitely not as Wild as some, but a Wonderful Woman, who was very fond of Deb Meehan, a really WONDERFUL WOMAN.

At first I used the group to help launch and market my own fledgling entrepreneurial venture, My Career Wheel Coaching Practice.  That worked very nicely.  We could be vendors at some of our events.

I also admired that the Wackies stood for doing something for the Community.  They sponsored a Bachelor Ball.  I loved that, even thought I might meet a nice Bachelor.  I did, but it was not meant to be.  What I really loved was that all proceeds were directed to the Women’s Center in Raleigh, to assist women in need.

I have loved socializing at our Saturday lunches and other events, and went to these on a regular basis.  I have met a good number of super women.

I have grown to appreciate the referral services we provide.  When you have a need for a Professional, it is fantastic to turn to someone, one of the Wackies trusts.  I made referrals, and through this service even  found an excellent housekeeper.

And finally, I have come to appreciate that our rules are few, we are open to everyone, we have no dues or fees, and we still provide excellent educational and financial aid to many, many Non-Profit groups throughout Wake County.

So, what I once thought was  A  REALLY WACKY IDEA, has grown to be an amazing group of sensational human beings.  We work, we socialize, we learn new things together, and we always have FUN!!!


I Love You Deb Meehan!   Thanks!!

Linda "LG" Gutin - ROI Resumes

About six months after I moved to the Triangle, I made a woman I hardly knew laugh enough to say, “You’re really funny. I have to introduce you to some of the funniest women I know.” That led to a coffee date with *the* Deb Harrell Meehan. Since then, in addition to her friendship and kindness — along with that of several other Wackies, I’ve also gained some clients, participated in many terrific events – not all of them parties, but most with at least a mild party-like atmosphere.To paraphrase “Wayne’s World,” “Party on, Wackies. Party on!”

Janet Bauer, Founder of the Non-Profit, I'm a Great Child Worldwide

Janet Bauer, I'm a Great Child WorldwideThe Wackies is a very powerful sisterhood. Beyond creating a “place” to meet others, Deb the founder has made it her mission that each woman feel like her best friend.  Along with all the perks you get from a best buddy, she strongly (and successfully) encourages everyone to help everyone.

Have a problem? Wackies offer solutions.  Example: The nonprofit for poor children that I manage needed funds. Several creative Wackies pooled their resources, and many others happily supported fundraisers.  And the networking is fabulous, no matter what your walk-in-life or age.

Happy 15th to all the wonderful, caring, fun-loving Wackies.


Clara K. Johnson ~ Artist, Abstract Expressionist

I have had so many moments of pure fun, enrichment and sisterhood being with the Wild Wacky Wonderful Women of the World for the past 9 years. A few have become LIKE sisters to me who demonstrate unselfish support, advise and references in order to assist my journey as an artist!

Every woman brings her true self to the group where all are celebrated and uplifted.
Love you Deb! 1 in 1,000,000

Mardi Hack ~ Career Management Consultant

My impressions of the Wild Wackies has expanded just about as much as the group itself.  I was first introduced to the concept when it was just a “concept”, back in the early 2000’s.  Deb Meehan, the Group’s Founder, was my client,  and I was her Career Coach,  as she transitioned from her big job at Bayer to wherever she would eventually land.  She told me her idea of having a group of women gather periodically to network and have fun.  There would be no rules, no structure, they would just gather once or twice a month and have FUN!!!

I thought, now that sounds really WACKY!  It will not last!!!  But she was determined, and I loved her….and just look at us now.  We are well over a thousand women strong.

I joined the group in 2005.  I was less Wacky than some, definitely not as Wild as some, but a Wonderful Woman, who was very fond of Deb Meehan, a really WONDERFUL WOMAN.

At first I used the group to help launch and market my own fledgling entrepreneurial venture, My Career Wheel Coaching Practice.  That worked very nicely.  We could be vendors at some of our events.

I also admired that the Wackies stood for doing something for the Community.  They sponsored a Bachelor Ball.  I loved that, even thought I might meet a nice Bachelor.  I did, but it was not meant to be.  What I really loved was that all proceeds were directed to the Women’s Center in Raleigh, to assist women in need.

I have loved socializing at our Saturday lunches and other events, and went to these on a regular basis.  I have met a good number of super women.

I have grown to appreciate the referral services we provide.  When you have a need for a Professional, it is fantastic to turn to someone, one of the Wackies trusts.  I made referrals, and through this service even  found an excellent housekeeper.

And finally, I have come to appreciate that our rules are few, we are open to everyone, we have no dues or fees, and we still provide excellent educational and financial aid to many, many Non-Profit groups throughout Wake County.

So, what I once thought was  A  REALLY WACKY IDEA, has grown to be an amazing group of sensational human beings.  We work, we socialize, we learn new things together, and we always have FUN!!!


I Love You Deb Meehan!   Thanks!!

Linda "LG" Gutin - ROI Resumes

About six months after I moved to the Triangle, I made a woman I hardly knew laugh enough to say, “You’re really funny. I have to introduce you to some of the funniest women I know.” That led to a coffee date with *the* Deb Harrell Meehan. Since then, in addition to her friendship and kindness — along with that of several other Wackies, I’ve also gained some clients, participated in many terrific events – not all of them parties, but most with at least a mild party-like atmosphere.To paraphrase “Wayne’s World,” “Party on, Wackies. Party on!”

Janet Bauer, Founder of the Non-Profit, I'm a Great Child Worldwide

The Wackies is a very powerful sisterhood. Beyond creating a “place” to meet others, Deb the founder has made it her mission that each woman feel like her best friend.  Along with all the perks you get from a best buddy, she strongly (and successfully) encourages everyone to help everyone.

Have a problem? Wackies offer solutions.  Example: The nonprofit for poor children that I manage needed funds. Several creative Wackies pooled their resources, and many others happily supported fundraisers.  And the networking is fabulous, no matter what your walk-in-life or age.

Happy 15th to all the wonderful, caring, fun-loving Wackies.