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Join the Wild & Wackies

Membership in the W5 generally operates on the principle of attraction and word of mouth. If you find us or hear about us, you’ll probably fit in.

There are no dues, fees, or rules in our organization although we occasionally pass the hat to cover web expenses.

Qualities we seek in members are a fun nature, desire to meet with powerful women, an entrepreneurial or adventurous spirit. We believe in the magic of networking and have proven time and again that when women like us get together, amazing things happen.

Fill out an application…

To become a Wild, Wacky, Wonderful Women of the World member, click the link below to fill out our membership application form.

Calendar of Events

Wackies in the News

Member Spotlight

Wild & Wacky Member Spotlight

Wacky Artwork

Courtesy of Suzy Toronto
Suzy Toronto, Artist
Thank you Suzy for your inspiration